Ok, this has nothing to do with the Facebook financial stock but everything to do with the amount of time and effort that people are putting into promoting their Facebook profiles and business pages…

I have three simple reasons why YOU should NOT put ALL of your stock/resources into promoting your brand on Facebook…

  1. You  have no control over the future of Facebook.  Since the botched IPO of Facebook, we honestly have no idea what the future of Facebook looks like.  Many of the company’s weaknesses, such as its revenue model and forecasting, were exposed during this process.  If the company is unable to generate revenues or a profit for its shareholders, will the company remain viable?
  2. You cannot extract your friends/fans from their database.  Ok, so you have 1,000 friends or fans on Facebook… outside of using their system, you have no other way to market to this group of people…
  3. What if you get kicked off tomorrow?  Have you ever considered that you may do something to violate the Facebook Terms and Policies and your account could be closed permanently?  What happens next?
Get the latest news on the Facebook stock from google.com/finance

I use Facebook to build my brand on a daily basis but it is a part of my marketing strategy, not the only strategy.  Just like any strong financial portfolio, you need to be sure your marketing plan is diversified so that it can weather whatever storm comes its way.  Don’t get caught with all of your eggs in one marketing basket.

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